
庆祝 的十年

大胆前进运动的完成, 学习共享的开放和一系列其他里程碑和成就标志着正规的赌博app进入了一个新时代,这将改变大学和社会, 这与凯特林的领导传统保持一致, 改革教育方式. 作为大学校长罗伯特K. 麦克马汉说过:“未来就在这里.”

这个期待已久的未来并没有突然实现,就像校园中心后面突然出现了学习共享一样. 它已经建造了整整一个世纪, which was celebrated in 2019 with the Centennial and the phrase, "一个世纪前建立的教育的未来.”

十年前, after a troublesome start to the 21st century marked by 9/11, 2001年的网络泡沫破裂和2008年的经济衰退, 这个未来似乎岌岌可危. In 2012, 弗林特是全国第二危险的城市, and the Kettering campus was surrounded by hundreds of acres of blighted neighborhoods plagued by crime. 大学的入口位于雪佛兰大道的顶端,在校园对面的霍尔棕色土地上,一辆丑陋的、被污染了的雪佛兰占据了整个入口. 校园本身已经破败不堪, 需要更新和维修的建筑物和实验室, and the technological infrastructure was well behind the times.  

Kettering’s financial situation provided little hope for a rebound. A skeletal advancement staff had built a paltry endowment of $50 million, 每年的基金在250美元左右徘徊,000元/年, 教职员工的参与率只有可怜的17%. 校友 were disengaged from fundraising and recruitment, and only 329 students entered in 2011.

才能扭转这种令人沮丧的急剧下降趋势, the Kettering community stepped up to initiate a decade as transformative as the previous one had been debilitating. 我们的目标, 除了生存, 是保持GMI和凯特林独特的教育传统和愿景——同等重视课堂和工作场所——同时重塑这一愿景,以适应快速变化的未来. The task was almost too big and too comprehensive to imagine.



经过几个月的工作和会议, the faculty and staff developed the 真正的凯特林和建造的凯特林 brands, which were supported by four strategic Pillars of Success: Optimized Growth in Enrollment and 项目; Global Leadership in STEM Education; 社区的活力; and Engaged Stakeholders.

在接下来的十年里, 这将是一个平台,在这个平台上,社区将建立一个校园范围内的使命,以推动所有倡议的各个方面:学术, 运营和财务.


下一个挑战是为未来提供资金. 这所大学招收了一批顶尖的专业人员, 由当时的副总裁苏·戴维斯领导, 改进筹款工作. 有了这根手杖, in 2014 Kettering pursued and won from Flint’s Charles Stewart Mott Foundation a $15.5 million gift — an unheard-of figure for Kettering at the time — for biology facilities and labs, 有针对性的奖学金, the creation of Kettering Global (our online graduate programs), 第一个机器人社区中心, 以及其他许多举措和改进.

The advancement team continued to build on this early success. By the start of 2022, the endowment had doubled to more than $110 million. 在整个十年中, year-over-year total gifts steadily increased by more than 40% and year-over-year donors by 10%. 教职员工的捐赠增加了五倍多,达到90%. 通用汽车移动研究中心(MRC)和哈里斯移动研究附属大楼等主要设施都收到了冠名礼物. The capstone, of course, is the recently completed $150 million 勇敢地向前 Capital Campaign.

This largesse is a testimony to three factors: the generosity and support of Kettering friends and alumni, 辛勤工作的员工充满活力的进步, 以及有远见的大学领导.

筹资只是财务健康方程式的一半. 在同样的十年里, 仔细的财政管理通过取消限制性债务盟约和为长期投资设立一个4 000万美元的资本基金,导致大学债务的结构调整- -所有这些都没有增加原来的偿债额.


有了新的精神和不断改善的经济前景, 内部和外部, 领导层开始重组凯特林的学术组织和课程,以最大限度地利用资源,响应市场趋势和学生的兴趣. Kettering created four academic colleges: The 工程学院, 文理学院, 管理学院, 和研究生院. 不断评估, planning and reordering culminated most recently with the President’s Task Force on Program Realignment and Reinvention, 被称为光明未来. 

The University also created, consolidated and/or realigned other programs. 例如, it revised the curriculum to support a retooled combined Bachelor’s /Master’s degree track for all students; secured multimillion-dollar foundation support for an integrated entrepreneurship initiative that spans the entire curriculum; and then doubled down on this emphasis by focusing on the development of an entrepreneurial mindset in students across disciplines through the identification of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial opportunities.



谈到另一个真正的凯特林的成功支柱, Kettering aspired to a global presence marked by leadership in STEM education. 在300多万美元种子基金的帮助下, 该大学成立了凯特林国际, which is made up of 正规的赌博app在线 (KUO) and KetteringGlobalX (KGX). KUO提供研究生水平的教育机会,将密集的学术课程与应用专业经验相结合. KGX是企业培训和继续教育部门,为雇主提供满足其人才管道需求的解决方案. 通过这些项目, 这所学校在进入十年后主要是一所地区性大学,现在拥有来自全球各个角落的学生.


Kettering has always been a loyal institutional citizen of Flint, and if there is anywhere it has over delivered during the last 10 years in response to a crying need, 是社区活力. Early in the decade, Kettering began to develop and lead — with the assistance of $1 million in U.S. Department of Justice funding — a community property acquisition strategy to improve livability and increase safety. The University then convened a group of more than 80 community stakeholders, known as the 大学大道走廊联盟 实质性地改善邻里关系. 西起麦克拉伦弗林特,东至密歇根大学弗林特,北至赫尔利医疗中心/惠利儿童中心,南至弗林特河和雪佛兰公地, 在大学大道走廊(University Avenue Corridor),数百英亩的破旧房屋和社区变成了光线充足的绿色空间, 公园, 翻新房屋, 还有小企业中心和餐饮区. 利用环境的改善, 凯特林创建了一些项目,为在这些附近社区购买主要住宅的员工提供可免除贷款.

The University also led three other notable neighborhood 改进: first, 还有400万美元的礼物, it took ownership of historic 阿特伍德球场 from the city of Flint, 用新的座位和草皮升级结构, and restoring it to its original glory as a venue for sporting events and other community activities. 从那以后,它被称为全国最漂亮、最实用的多功能体育场之一,现在是凯特林毕业典礼、校内体育、高中体育和两支半职业足球队的举办地. 第二个, it created the attractive new Gateway entrance to the University at the top of Chevrolet Avenue, 美化工作使整个地区受益. 最后, it reclaimed the unsightly and unsafe Chevy in the Hole brownfield area, 在现场建造MRC.

所有这些努力的结果, 仅仅五年之后, the neighborhood surrounding the University witnessed a 78% drop in blight; a 54% decrease in assaults; 83% fewer robberies; a 76% decrease in burglaries; and a 36% drop in vandalism. 这一趋势还在继续, transforming the formerly blighted and crime-ridden area into one of the safest and most desirable neighborhoods in Flint.

社区 vitality is as much about relationships as it is about physical 改进. During the past 10 years, the University has provided academic support for local STEM education. This includes scholarships for local students in the Flint Promise Program; tutoring and mentoring programs for area youth; and 第一个机器人社区中心, which provides space and mentoring for eight local robotics teams.


在过去的十年里,凯特林的校园不仅经历了一次翻新,而且还通过9号楼等项目扩大了其足迹,600-square-foot 第一个 机器人 社区 Center and the expansive MRC. The 第一个 机器人 社区 Center features machining and designing areas, a regulation-size practice field and eight bays for teams to store their equipment. MRC是3.25英亩的试验台是按照赛马场规格建造的, stadium-style照明, fencing and landscaping for the research and development of autonomous vehicles, 车辆安全标准, 混合动力和电动汽车技术, 和更多的.

此外,还有大量的建筑计划, 改进, and upgrades affecting virtually every present and future campus facility. 在规划类别中, mid-decade saw the development of an ambitious and futuristic campus master plan spanning both sides of Chevrolet Avenue that, 建成后, 会极大地改变校园的面貌吗, the experiences of students and exponentially increase academic opportunities. The plan’s first step, of course, has been the 学习共享.

独立于计划之外, 化学工程增加了新的实验室, physics and biology; innovative campus structures were developed with d.spaces; common spaces were redesigned and refurbished; and countless 改进 were made in the infrastructure of every building on campus.

Upgrading technology for an increasingly wireless world has been another focus. 这涉及到kuucloud的创建, a virtualized computing cluster that is accessed using a virtual desktop app that can be run on multiple devices used by faculty or students; a campus wireless upgrade with far greater bandwidth capabilities; the opportunity to access University software from any device anywhere in the world; and the addition of a proprietary University 5GE Cellular Network with a 3-mile radius of coverage to support communications at the MRC.

把凯特灵. 改变教育.

伴随着2022年的成就, Kettering has transformed itself and is prepared to transform education with a revitalized vision of cooperative education. “大胆前进运动”正在为这一未来提供资金, 学习共享是它的实际表现——凯特林开创的沉浸式学习的地点——以及博格华纳学者计划等项目, Kettering Global and the Bright Future academic restructuring are all prepared to deliver on the vision.

The future, where we are transforming Kettering and transforming education, is here.
